Controversy revolves around the tropical paradise of Wake Island, part of Eneen-Kio Atoll, the collection of three islands also known as Wake Atoll, located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The island is claimed by both the United States and the Marshall Islands. It is further claimed as an independent sovereignty in the name of the Kingdom of EnenKio.
The World Factbook, published by the CIA, states that the 2.5-square-mile Wake Island has no arable land, no crops, no forests or woodland, no indigenous inhabitants.
The population consists (as of the latest record from January 2001) of only one US Army civilian and 123 civilian contractor personnel. The island is economically insignificant, as all food and manufactured goods must be imported.
There is no domestic or international telephone system, no radio service, no television broadcasting. There isn’t even a harbor. However, despite its lack of agriculture or an economy, the island is rich in historical significance, warranting a lengthy and subsequently fascinating lesson on the history of Wake Atoll.
Discovered by Spain
According to Theodore Leverett’s history of the island on the Flags of the World website, “Wake Island was first discovered by the Spaniard Álvaro de Mendana in 1586, who named it San Francisco and claimed it in the name of the King of Spain. This claim was internationally recognized, the atoll being viewed as worthless…
In 1796 the Englishman Captain Samuel Wake of the merchant vessel Prince William Henry rediscovered it. He gave the atoll its present name, also carried by its largest island… On December 20, 1840, the USS Vincennes brought the explorer Charles Wilkes and the naturalist Titian Peale to the island where they conducted a series of surveys and eventually lent their names to the other two islands of the atoll…
The Treaties of Paris and Washington
During the Spanish-American War, an American troop convoy bound for the Philippines (then owned by Spain) stopped off at Wake. Major General Francis V. Greene hoisted the Stars and Stripes, then with 45 stars, there on July 4, 1898… The subsequent peace treaty [signed with Spain in December 1898 and approved by the US Senate in February 1899] which ended the war transferred Wake to the United States.”
The Treaty of Paris, signed by officials from the United States of America and the Spanish Empire on December 10, 1898, relinquished all Spanish claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba, Puerto Rico, the island of Guam in the Marianas, all islands in the West Indies under Spanish sovereignty, and all islands within approximately 116 degrees and 127 degrees longitude east near and including the Philippine Island archipelago.
An amendment three years later (the Treaty of Washington) added several additional islands located southwest of the island chain of Palawan that had been omitted from the original treaty. No other specific islands or locations of any kind were mentioned.
Wake Island did not fall within the boundaries of either the Treaty of Paris of 1898 or the Treaty of Washington of 1900 as the atoll is located at approximately 166 degrees of longitude east of Greenwich.
This directly contradicts the common misconception that Wake Island was included in the spoils of war between the United States and Spain, as insisted upon by such historians as Stanley K. Schultz, Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin, but the language of both treaties is indisputable — neither of them include the tiny atoll 1,300 nautical miles east of Guam.
Wake as a US Military Base
However the island was acquired, the US Navy recognized the potential of Wake as a military base and contributed both materially and financially to the construction of Pan American facilities.

John Godfrey Borger
Photo © The Borger Family
The historical recollections of the original Pan American World Airways and the newsletter of The Pan Am Historical Foundation quote the then 21-year-old Junior Assistant Engineer for the S.S. North Haven, regarding the initial construction of the airbase.
“On March 27, 1935, the S.S. North Haven embarked from San Francisco for Honolulu, Midway, Wake, Guam, and Manila, to prepare bases for Pan Am’s flying boats to cross the Pacific. Wake was totally uninhabited; all we had on it were a hydrographic chart with no detail, and an article in National Geographic magazine…
We loaded into the ship 12 prefabricated buildings for Midway, and 12 for Wake. We loaded for each base two diesel engines to generate electricity, two windmills to pump water up and get water pressure, a Caterpillar tractor with interchangeable bulldozer blade and crane, and 4,000-gallon tanks for both aviation gas and water… On the deck we loaded two 38-foot power launches, one for Midway and one for Wake, and a 26-foot launch for Guam, intended for air-sea rescue…
Wake is made up of three islands. It’s true it was uninhabited except for birds; we had to wear hats. We’d planned to put the station on Wilkes Island, which is open to the sea, but the survey team found it was too low in the water. So was Wake Island. But Peale Island, on the far side of the lagoon, was okay. We unloaded the cargo into a storage yard on Wilkes Island, then built a 50-yard railroad (somebody by inspiration had brought light-gauge railroad track) to the lagoon. We put the small launch on a barge and, with the help of the tractor, we shoved it across the knee-deep channel between Wake and Wilkes. The launch towed the barges of cargo across the lagoon to Peale Island. Wake depended on rainfall for water, so we rigged canvases on the roofs, drained them into underground tanks, then pumped the water up to the windmills.
We had to clear the coral heads to provide a six-foot deep open landing area in the Wake lagoon for the M-130 to land. So we hung a length of a light-gauge railroad track six feet deep under a barge, and a launch towed the barge back and forth across the lagoon. When the track hit coral, it shook the barge, wakened the guy sleeping on it, and he threw a cork buoy with an anchor to mark the spot. Then Bill Mullahey and I, in a rowboat, rowed out to the buoys. Bill put on goggles he’d made out of bamboo, took a bamboo spear, and dove down and inspected the coral head… Bill surfaced and said, give me six, or eight, sticks of dynamite, dove back down and tied them to the coral. He resurfaced, I rowed us upwind as far as we could, and he pressed a magneto button and blew up the coral. We rowed back, picked up the fish the blast had killed, and brought them back for dinner. We did this [until] we cleared a pie-shaped landing area [where we] built a 400-foot dock.”
— John G. Borger
After the completion of the airbase and a 48-room hotel, Wake Island became one of the stopping points on regular Pan American flights for servicing and refueling of the famous “Pan Am Clippers”, four-engined flying boats. Pan American published a 24-page brochure in 1937 to promote the transpacific China Clipper service from San Francisco to Hawaii, Midway Island, Wake Island, Guam, Manila, and its final destination of Hong Kong.
“A tiny pinpoint on the vast Pacific’s map — five thousand miles from America’s mainland. A land unheard of until a few years ago — uninhabited, until the coming of the airway pioneers — became the scene of one of the most dramatic struggles in the history of American transportation. Here hardship, toil and thrilling courage overcame tremendous odds to set in final place four thousand tons of materials. Scarcely eight hours from Midway — another change in time — you are ashore in the early afternoon and the island is yours to explore… Down paths lined with magnolia are living quarters for the base staff, the power plant, the big refrigerators, a little hospital, a pergola where you will find an unusual collection of the little atoll’s lore – bits from ancient sailing craft that came to grief on the treacherous reefs that so effectively shelter the lagoon’s water for the flying clipper ships; heaps of coral in fantastic designs; sea shells of every form. Along the arcs of glistening beach you can find all these for yourself — and perhaps a dozen little hollow balls of glass — floats from Japanese fishing nets that have drifted half way across the Pacific…
Wake Island, so newly added to the world’s travel map, is already becoming a favorite vacation spot for travel-wise voyageurs. A beautiful, unspoiled land a world away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. A land reserved to those who fly, where every comfort and convenience, excellent food and expert attention are as much a part of your stay as the breath-taking sunsets, the soft thundering of the sea and its magnificent thirty-foot surf. Not soon can one forget these rainbow waters, soft deep sands, the friendly sun, the cool sweet trade winds blown from across the broadest sea.”
James W. Wensyel, in his article titled Odyssey Of The Wake Island Prisoners, states that the US Navy never lost sight of Wake Island’s military potential and turned the commercial airfield into a full-fledged defensive fortification, complete with 449 Marines, 71 Naval personnel, 5 Army radio operators, and 12 fixed-wing Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats fighter planes, all under the overall command of Commander Winfield S. Cunningham.
Japan Seizes Wake in World War II
“War with Japan was imminent, and an airstrip on Wake, about 2,000 miles west of Hawaii, would allow American heavy bombers to strike the Japanese-controlled Marshall Islands. And, if Guam were lost to the Japanese, Wake would be one of the closest American outposts to the Japanese mainland… [Early on the morning of December 8, 1941,] at 8:50 the Marines raised the American flag on its staff, something Marines did every morning all over the world… Not long after the flag raising, 36 Japanese Mitsubishi G3M2 Nell bombers crossed Wake in three V-formations. Soon their fragmentation bombs, accompanied by a steady drumming of machine-gun fire, tore the island to pieces… Japanese land-based aircraft from Roi in the Marshalls, later joined by aircraft from approaching Japanese carriers, pounded the atoll day after day. Before each attack, a dwindling number of American Wildcat fighters rose to meet them.
At 3 a.m. on December 11, a Japanese invasion task force commanded by Rear Adm. Sadamichi Kajioka, consisting of a light cruiser, six destroyers, two troop carriers and two armed merchantmen, confidently approached Wake’s beaches. Marine gunners let them close to 4,500 yards before their 5-inch naval guns opened fire. Their patience was rewarded with the sinking of one Japanese destroyer and damaging of the cruiser and three additional destroyers.

Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy National Archives
Kajioka retreated, now knowing that Wake would not be taken without a fight. By the 21st, the last of the Wildcats had been destroyed in dogfights over the atoll… Japanese airplanes now roamed over the island at will, pounding American positions in preparation for a renewed attempt to seize the atoll.
In the dark, rain-swept early morning hours of December 23rd, Kajioka returned, his fleet bolstered by four heavy cruisers and various other warships, including landing craft, to assault Wake’s beaches with more than 900 well-trained infantrymen of the Special Naval Landing Force. At 2:35 a.m., the first Japanese landing barge ground ashore.
Soon a desperate battle was being fought across the atoll between groups of men fighting with rifles, bayonets, grenades and fists. The Americans fought hard, but more Japanese landed and pushed them toward the island’s center… Reports from the three islands were discouraging; there were simply too many Japanese and too few Americans… Cunningham, as the ranking officer, made the inevitable decision to surrender… Stunned defenders threw away rifle bolts, destroyed delicate range-finding instruments, drained hydraulic fluid from recoil cylinders and then surrendered. Eighty-one Marines, eight sailors and 82 civilian construction workers had been killed or wounded. The Japanese, however, paid a heavy price for their victory. The fight for Wake Island had cost them two destroyers and one submarine sunk, seven additional ships damaged, 21 aircraft shot down and almost 1,000 men killed.
Enraged by their losses, the Japanese treated their prisoners — military and civilian — brutally. Some were stripped naked, others to their underwear. Most had their hands tied behind their backs with telephone wire, with a second wire looped tightly from their necks to their wrists so that if they lowered their arms they would strangle themselves… The prisoners were then jammed into two suffocating concrete ammunition bunkers. Later they were herded to the airstrip and made to sit, naked, on the blistering hot concrete. When the Japanese set up machine guns nearby, most of the prisoners expected to be executed. That night, bone-chilling winds replaced the heat. The prisoners sat there, still waiting for food, water or medical treatment. The unfortunate prisoners remained sitting on the airstrip for two days. Finally, they were given food, much of it spoiled by the heat, and water, contaminated from being placed in unclean gasoline drums. Piles of assorted clothing seized earlier were placed before them… After returning his prisoners’ clothes, Kajioka, resplendent in white dress uniform and gleaming samurai sword, read a proclamation to the assembled prisoners. When he concluded, a Japanese interpreter informed the Americans that ‘the Emperor has graciously presented you with your lives.'”
After World War II
The defense of Wake was testimony to the valor and professionalism of the Marine garrison and its officers, December 11th being the only successful thwarting of an attempted amphibious landing by enemy forces in the Pacific throughout the war. The tale of the heroic battle for Wake Island inspired American soldiers worldwide. Almost four long years later, World War II ended, the prisoners were released, and control of the island was returned to the United States by the Japanese.
After a 7000-foot runway was paved over the existing coral runway in 1949, the island base also played a key role as a refueling stop for aircraft during the Korean War. And, as a result of the foresighted runway lengthening in 1959 to 9800 feet, the island was able to participate in Desert Storm in 1991, once again as a fueling station. Today, the former commercial airbase is used primarily by the US Army Space and Strategic Defense Command and for emergency landings of trans-Pacific flights. There are over 700 landings a year on the island.
An understanding of the history of Wake Island is fundamental for understanding the claims made by the Marshall Islands and the Kingdom of EnenKio.
Great postings. My family spent three tours on Wake for Pan American. My father, Jerry Burris, was the Comissary Supervisor. There are six kids in our family and we had a great time growing up on Wake. I love reading other folk’s memories. For us kids it was just a playground. Spearfishing, watersking behind the PAA boat, “boondocking” and surfing on our Paipo boards “down in front”. And who can forget the shear joy of a good movie at the “Windy Palace” sitting on those hard benches drinking an Upper 10 and eating a Hearshey bar. Ahhh……
My dad, Larry Bloomquist, was with the FAA and my family lived there from 67 until we were flown to Hawaii after Typhoon Sarah. That was quite a scary thing to live through!! My brothers, Larry & Chuck still talk about our experiences there.. shelling w/ our mom when the tide was out and being stalked by a huge eel, getting autographs from Phyllis Diller and Bob Hope when they came through, sea slug fights (gag!) hermit crabs, swimming in the lagoon, looking for glass balls, having feet tough as shoe leather from going barefoot on the coral. Of course those movies at the Windy Palace, and missing Dr Pepper terribly since we didn’t have that luxury on Wake. And we were always on the lookout for that live ammo we were warned not to touch!! For us kids, it was a wonderful adventure. It’s awesome to know others have fond memories of Wake, also.
Hi, I am currently on Wake Island.
hi i ve been on wake island on 1998 january right after the el nino storms and i arrived there with a cargo ship(45000 dwt)not by an airplane like others.but we couldnt berth as u know its very small island and no harbour.we were in a dangerous situation as our ship was taking water inside due to storms that we faced in north coast guard helped us to repair our ship.and i landed on the island just for one day but was magnificient i still miss gives u the idea about the meaning of life.thanks
Thanks for the informative article on Wake Island. I had two great-uncles that were civilians who worked on the airstrip before Wake Island was captured by the Japanese. One of them, Jack Fenex, was among the 98 civilians killed. My other great-uncle, Elmer or “Whitey” Christler was a prisoner-of-war for 4 years. Any info on contacting other survivors? My great-uncle died in 1979, but he holds a treasured place in our family history.
I spent 11 months in Wake Island as a US Coast Guard member. I was there from September 1975 to August 1976. During my time there I was able to walk throughout the island collecting stuff. I found in Peale Island a helmet of a WWII Marine. That helmet has been in my possesion all these years and recently I’ve been thinking about donating it to the D Day Museum here in New Orleans. I have not made up my mind about it. If there is someone out there that is a relative of someone that fought in Wake Island I would gladly let that person have the helmet. I do apologize to all WWII vets for taking something that I shouldn’t have taken.
I am the President and CEO of the company that has the current contract for operations at Wake Island. I spent 5 years on the island myself from 82-87 in positions from engineering to Site Manager and have been involved in every Base Support contract since then. Glad to see this website as obviously Wake is still a special place for me. I get back to the island at least once a year and look forward to it every time. I have or have access to lots of photos and videos from Wake and contact information for some of the associations representing the survivors and/ or defenders of Wake. Thanks!
Barney, I would like to get in touch with you to discuss Wake Island with you. I am organizing a Wake Island reunion next year in Hawaii and would like more information on the current status of the Island. Unfortunately, your email isn’t working, so I’m hoping you read this. Thanks.
Please let me know info about Wake Island reunion! That would be great!
Greetings, I collect postcards and I would like to hear from anyone who live’s or will be visiting Wake Island, who would be willing to send me new postcards of Wake Island. Thank you. Mike
My father was on Wake Island for ten months in 1936 – constructing the air base for Pan AMerican. He was twenty years old. He kept a journal and wrote my mother all about what he was doing. It was hard work, loneliness, isolation – but he said he had a great time. It’s also a great story. He took 200 photos of the work done on the island. I want to write his story.I’d like to know what the interest is out there in buying my book? My father is now 89 years old. He must be the last survivor of the second North Haven expedition to Wake. My book is my gift to him. Carol Nickisher
I am a stockbroker and travel agent. I also belong to the Travelers Century Club. I would like to know if there is any way the public can visit Midway or Wake Islands on their own or with atour. Thanks
Enjoyed your history of Wake. I was on the island from May of 1966 through January of 1967. Similar to the postings above, I had good memories of Wake. Drifters Reef, the bowling alley and of course the radio station KEAD, the Voice of Wake Island. I had a radio program there “Gentleman Jim” from midnight to 0300. I too remember typhoon Opal and the wreck of the R.C. Stoner that spilled gasoline and JP4 all over the island,as well as typhoon Sarah that devastated the island. I was on Wilkes Island in a small concrete building the entire time. It was indeed scary. After they took the civilians off the island there wasn’t too many of us left, until most returned around Thanksgiving. Thanks for the web site. Good memories. jimcox
I recall wake island was used as staging point for vietamese refugees who were evacuated from Saigon in April of 1975. I was a 1st Lt. Air Force Nurse serving with 356th tactical field hospital for 45 days on wake island for operation newlife. Refugees were sent on to USA after they were staged at Wake. jerry
I enjoyed your history. I spent over four years of my childhood on Wake Island (1958-1963). My father worked for the FAA, which had a large community on the island centered around the Wake Island school. I believe that most of the FAA employees were from Hawaii. Even this many years later I feel a deep attachment to the island; I think anyone who lived there as a child must feel the same way.
From 1965/1972 i was a flt. eng. on a c124c we had to stop at wake on our way to vietnam. i always enjoyed wake esp. drifters reef. i still have a large postcard of it. what a great place to relax after a long flt. in a shakey”. my last flt. to wake was in 1972 when i got to the drifters reef i saw a prop. off a ww2 acft. leaning on the back of drifters reef. and the more beer i drank the more i wanted that prop. it belonged to some maj. that was stat. there he found in the lagoon a few days earlery. and was about as drunk as i was. the deal was made.its been in my back yard by the pool side.its got jap. markings on it. anyway thats my story and i thank about wake a lot and my times at drifters reef.
i want to go there. any chance of it? anyone know how i can get there. what a historically significant place.
For L.Boos; I would give a years salary to have a beer in the “Drifters’ Reef like it was in 1970. Of course Lady Bird Johnson’s F.M.C. tore it down and rebuilt it as a cinder block air conditioned “wantabe”. Thanks for the memories.
Salt spray. Roar and hiss and vibration of the surf. Whistling winds [hear the voices of the ghosts?] Turquoise lagoon, coral rubble, white surf, “Scaviola” trees with soft downy silvery leaves, and nothing but the sky. The deep water behind the surf so deep blue you think it must stain your hand, but it is clear as glass. Hermit crabs scavenging. Trees twisted and dwarfed by countless storms. Someone made delicious black looking honey. Potlucks. Old jeeps with wooden parts. Crumbling bunkers and caved-in trenches. Ever more old grenades and bullets washing up on the beach. In knee-deep water shark fins between you and the shore. Looking for sharks and being found by too many….”Big Pete” the barracuda peeking from behind the rocks, electric blue tiny fish darting into the coral. Petting a huge grouper on the nose. Two manta rays gliding majestically in formation. The unearthly red sunset and the smell when the plane crashed. The shreek of typhoon Sarah and the sound of the tarpaper ripping off the roof. The silence of the passing eye letting the deep roar of the ocean be heard. And of course, the Windy Palace. No-where are the stars so close or so many.
I first saw Wake Island in 1980 as a young Marine Sgt. on an overnight stopover on a C-130 flight from Hawaii to Okinawa. Over the years since then I’ve been able to visit many times and never stop discovering something new. My last visit was in November 2003 during a time of high winds and water that saw the “beach” at the steps of the barracks. The water ripping through the lagoon and under the bridge uncovered lots of trash from the war years including a stripper clip with bullets for a Japanese rifle. For those of you who have a connection to Wake from the war years, there are special trips for reunions and such that the Air Forse puts on from time to time. I’ve been there when Vets, both US and Japanese, have been visiting. I don’t have details of how to do it but that Congressman of yours has a staff who find these things out.
I am currently organizing a Wake Island Reunion for all former Wake Island “residents” and “transits” who hold a special place in their memories of that Island. It will be held at the Pacific Beach Hotel on July 21-24, 2005. These reunions are well attended by former Wake Islanders, and this one promises to be just as exciting. Feel free to email me for more information. I am also in the process of trying to get a trip back to Wake Island around the time of the reunion. If anyone would like to help me in making this a reality, please contact me. As mentioned in an earlier post, I grew up on Wake during the 60’s and early 70’s, so it holds a very special place in my heart… ahhh, the memories!!
Thank you for your spread on Wake Island. I remember the island vividly as it was a stop by Pan American airlines taking us troops to parts of the world we didn’t want to go. It was May and very hot undeed. We stopped to refuel and then on our way. I recall a sunken vessel at the end of the runway as we departed. What impressed me the most, however, was the savage fighting that took place for such a tiny piece of land. I suppose it has ment more over the years as we were headed for a similar war in Southeast Asia. It was the last piece of land I sat foot on for 13 months that was not hostile.
My dad was an FAA firefighter and was stationed in Wake back in 1970. My brother, sister and I attended the tiny elementary school at Wake Island until we had to leave in 1972. We have such fond memories of Bob Hope, finding glass floaters along the beach, the island wide easter egg hunts, the open movie theater, swimming at Drifter’s, birthday parties and bbq’s at Playboy beach. The memories are endless. My dad (Iosefo Suafoa) recently passed away in November ’04. This walk down memory is a special treat. Thank you so much for that!
I am a former Islander, my time on Wake was from 1959 until 1965. My father worked for the Weather Burea. I have two sisters and a brother, we all attended school on Wake. I’m interested in the reunion. stay in touch Donald Hopp
this is gay.